Welcome to Exposing Evolution
Milt Marcy has investigated the personal lives and writings of evolution’s con-men, and what he uncovered is dirty business, intellectual dishonesty on steroids. The apostle Paul warned that a consequence of rejecting God’s Creatorship is a ‘reprobate mind’ (i.e., a mind that cannot evaluate truth), and Marcy has documented Poster Child illustrations of that divine judgment. Marcy’s research tracks the dishonest pseudo-scholarship of leading evolution champions, including attention to how religious humanism has lent a helping hand to secular humanism, in the crusade to impose evolutionary dogma as the shibboleth of modern culture. James J. S. Johnson, JD, ThD (of the Institute for Creation Research)
Exposing the Hidden Roots of the Evolutionary Agenda - The Emperors Who Had No Clothes
This site is dedicated to the above titled book by Milt Marcy. Our goal is to bring to light the true motives of the men who gave us our "so called" science of evolution and the millions of years paradigm that goes with it!
A Shocking Read by Milt Marcy